Latest Past Events

Western Academy of Management

The Western Academy of Management 2018 Conference will be held in Salt Lake City, Utah from March 7 - 10, 2018. The conference theme Standing the Test of Time! Resilience and Transformation will address how individuals and organizations can be resilient, undergo transformation, and be catalysts for positive change.

16th International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases

The aim of the ICNMD Congresses is to offer attendees an updated view on neuromuscular disorders and that networking opportunities increase their international experience and collaborations. The scientific and program committee are invited from all continents around the world to enable this wide spectrum. It is our pleasure to invite you to the International Congress … Continue reading 16th International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases

BCAB 2019

The British Columbia Association of Broadcasters represents private television and radio broadcasters with the mandate to combine the resources and strength of their industry in three key areas; to promote and contribute to community enhancing programs throughout the province of BC, to present a unified and credible voice in matters that affect this growing industry … Continue reading BCAB 2019